
Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Lynne Claire Watson

St Peter Hersham has adopted the Church of England "Promoting a Safer Church" Policy Statement, national policies and Practice Guidance of the House of Bishops and supporting diocesan safeguarding protocols.

Please click here for the Safeguarding section of the Church of England website 

The Code of Safer Working Practice
has been produced by the Church of England and is essential reading for all church volunteers.

Please click here to see the National Safeguarding Standards.
Our Parish is committed to these five standards

Please click here for the Safeguarding section of the Diocesan website

The Diocese of Guildford is wholly committed to achieving the best possible standards of safeguarding. Here you’ll find advice, information and resources to help, along with signposting for those who may wish to access support.

                                   Call 999 if a child or adult is in immediate danger of significant or serious harm

The Diocese recognises that coming forward may be extremely difficult. Dedicated support has been set up for you.
Please click here for survivor support.

Our Safeguarding Policy adopted at the PCC meeting held on 19 May 2024 can be downloaded here

Please see St Peter's Policy Guidelines in respect of Safeguarding Training


Page last updated: Saturday 31st August 2024 10:26 AM
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